Grammar Connection (1) with MP3-1片(International Student Edition)好禮必備
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語言學習Grammar Connection (1) with MP3-1片(International Student Edition)好禮必備全書的內容大意
內容簡介: Connecting learners to structure through acad博客來書店emic content, Grammar Connection teaches the authentic language skills learners need. Discourse-based grammar presentation through readings and conversations offers natural language instruction using contexts from academic disciplines to prepare learners for academic and professional success.
Features:* Discourse-based grammar presentation through readings and conversations offers natural language instruction and prepares learners for academic success. 博客來* Authentic contexts from academic disciplines provide essential background for grammar presentation and practice.* Concise lessons with clear grammar charts create an easy-to-follow learning framework.
* High-frequency academic vocabulary is systematically developed in Content Vocabulary sections. * Multi-skills practice in reading, writing, listening, and speaking simulates the skills learners need in academic contexts. 博客來網路書局* 'Connection: Putting It Together' synthesizes grammar, vocabulary, and content through communicative activities.
* Self-Review and Learner Logs summarize language instruction and enhance learner independence. * Workbooks reinforce language through controlled grammar practice, recycled academic vocabulary, and an extended writing tutorial. * Teacher's Annotated Editions include detailed teaching suggestions as well as a Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM with Activity Bank Workshe博客來網路書店ets for interactive grammar presentation and additional communicative practice.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Jill Korey-O’Sullivan
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/05/27
- 語言:英文
Grammar Connection (1) with MP3-1片(International Student Edition)好禮必備
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